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Optimize->Support Routines->Vignetting->Set Apertures...  源码分析

它的功能是给定全视场的子午渐晕去设置面的孔径,及设置相关面的孔径检查,它调用apset(int apset_option, double lav, double uav, int nbr_dgts, int prt_err),下面分析下它的代码

/**********************************************************************//*                                                                    *//*   Command to set aperture radii to give specified lower and        *//*   upper aperture vignetting at full field. The command assumes     *//*   that the lens is rotationally symmetric. The default is to       *//*   set all of the apertures in the lens. To set only the apertures  *//*   that are currently "solved", select "no" for the                 *//*   "Set_all_apertures" argument.                                    *//*                                                                    *//*   The vignetting is entered as fractional pupil coordinates, i.e., *//*   a lower vignetting factor of -1.0 and an upper vignetting        *//*   factor of 1.0 means there is no vignetting.                      *//*                                                                    *//**********************************************************************/#include "..\..\public\ccl\inc\gendefs.h"#include "..\..\public\ccl\inc\strdefs.h"#define APSET_USER_SPECIFIED          0   /* The aperture value will not be changed */#define APSET_SET_APERTURE            1   /* The aperture value will be set */#define APSET_SET_CHECKED_APERTURE    2   /* The aperture will be marked as "checked" */#define APSET_MAX_AP_CV            0.99   /* Maximum value of ap*cv */#define APSET_LOWER_RIM_RAY          -1#define APSET_UPPER_RIM_RAY           1/* Error codes */#define APSET_NO_CHECK_ERROR          0#define APSET_LOWER_APER_ERROR        1#define APSET_UPPER_APER_ERROR        2#define APSET_BOTH_APER_ERROR         3/* Allowed deviation of vignetting factor for no error */#define APSET_VIGNETTING_EPSILON   0.05/* Command arguments */int    apset_option {list = apset_options, prompt = "Option", default(onprompt) = "all"}double lav          {prompt = "Target value for lower aperture vignetting", default(onprompt) = -1.0}double uav          {prompt = "Target value for upper aperture vignetting", default(onprompt) =  1.0}int    nbr_dgts     {lolim = 1, prompt = "Number of digits to round to  ", default(noquery) = 3}int    prt_err      {list = Yes_no, prompt = "Report ray error", default(noquery) = "Yes"} /* Functions */static int  on_axis_apertures(double aps[]);static int  full_field_apertures(int rimtype, double aps[], double y_pup, double raycoord[], int dydfy[]);static cmd  element_apertures(double aps[]);static int  find_check_srfs(double aps[], int ok_to_set[], double l_rim[], double u_rim[], int low_drv[], int up_drv[]);void apset_eh(void);/* Global variables */char    ray_error_occurred;cmdapset(int apset_option, double lav, double uav, int nbr_dgts, int prt_err)// hlp:  Click here for additional help. // kwd:  vignetting, aperture // cat:  design tools {	int     i, j, sbn, axerr, uperr, lowerr, chkerr;	int     setape[ims], updrv[ims], lowdrv[ims];	char    apckstatus;	char    str1[32];	char    err_hdl_sav[50];	double  oldfby, oldfbx, oldfbz, oldfyrf, oldfxrf, aux, aux2;	double  aprad[ims], uprim[ims], lowrim[ims];	//	env = LENSSOK;		if (fptssopen)	{		prefs;		abort(E_FPTSSOPEN);	}		if (fabs(uav - lav) < 1.0e-20 || lav > uav)		cclabort("Invalid vignetting factors.","apset");	SAVE_DISPLAY_PREFS;	strcpy(err_hdl_sav, error_handler);	install_error_handler("apset_eh");	apckstatus = apck;		set_preference(output_text, off);	aperture_check(off);//取消孔径检查,故下面的光线追迹将不受checked的孔径影响		/* Save current field point data */	oldfby  = Trr_fby;	oldfbx  = Trr_fbx;	oldfbz  = Trr_fbz;	oldfyrf = Trr_fyrf;	oldfxrf = Trr_fxrf;		for (i = 0; i < ims; i++)	{		setape[i] = APSET_USER_SPECIFIED;		aprad[i]  = 0.0;	}			/* On-axis apertures */	ray_error_occurred = 0;	axerr = on_axis_apertures(aprad);	if (ray_error_occurred)	{		ray_error_occurred = 0;		if (apckstatus)			aperture_check(on);		RESTORE_DISPLAY_PREFS;		ieh("prefs");		if (prt_err)		{			prefs;			abort(E_REFRAYFAILED);		}		else			return;		}		/* Full-field, upper rim ray */	ray_error_occurred = 0;	uperr = full_field_apertures(APSET_UPPER_RIM_RAY, aprad, uav, uprim, updrv);	if (ray_error_occurred)	{		ray_error_occurred = 0;		if (apckstatus)			aperture_check(on);		RESTORE_DISPLAY_PREFS;		ieh("prefs");		if (prt_err)		{			prefs;			abort(E_REFRAYFAILED);		}		else			return;		}		/* Full-field, lower rim ray */	ray_error_occurred = 0;	lowerr = full_field_apertures(APSET_LOWER_RIM_RAY, aprad, lav, lowrim, lowdrv);	if (ray_error_occurred)	{		ray_error_occurred = 0;		if (apckstatus)			aperture_check(on);		RESTORE_DISPLAY_PREFS;		ieh("prefs");		if (prt_err)		{			prefs;			abort(E_REFRAYFAILED);		}		else			return;		}		if (apset_option)	{		for (i = 1; i < ims; i++)		{			/* Set all apertures, unless "fixed" */			if (aptyp[i] != 7)				setape[i] = APSET_SET_APERTURE;		}					}	else	{		for (i = 1; i < ims; i++)		{			/* Only set apertures that are currently "solved" */			if (aptyp[i] == 0)				setape[i] = APSET_SET_APERTURE;		}		}			/* Round-off aperture radius values to specified precision */	for (i = 1; i < ims; i++)	{		aux = round(aprad[i], nbr_dgts);		if (aux >= aprad[i])			aprad[i] = aux;		else		{				/* Round up a bit to avoid on-axis vignetting */			sprintf(str1, "%e", aprad[i]);//将aprad[i]用科学计数法表示,存到str1中			//将str1中,'e'之前的数都替换为0,除小数点外			str1[0] = '0';			j = 2;			while (str1[j] != 'e')				str1[j++] = '0';			if (nbr_dgts > 1)				j = nbr_dgts;			else				j = 0;				//将第nbr_dgts个有效位置为1,然后将这个数加aprad[]上			//就是将aprad[i]截取nbr_dgts个有效位后,不会变小,只会变大			str1[j] = '1';			aux2 = atof(str1);			aprad[i] = aux + aux2;			}		}				/* Set front and back apertures of elements to larger value */	element_apertures(aprad);		//下面这个find_check_srfs()是最重要的函数	/* Find surfaces that limit beam to set as checked apertures */	chkerr = find_check_srfs(aprad, setape, lowrim, uprim, lowdrv, updrv);		sbn = sbrow();	//开始将孔径大小设置到每个面上	/* Set aperture radius values */	ssbuf_reset(sbn, ims);	for (i = 1; i < ims; i++)	{		if (setape[i])		{			if (setape[i] == APSET_SET_CHECKED_APERTURE)				ap(i, chk, aprad[i]);			else				ap(i, aprad[i]);		}	}	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, ims);						if (apckstatus)		aperture_check(on);		/* Restore current field point */	ssbuf_reset(sbn, 3);	trace_ref_ray(oldfby, oldfbx, oldfbz, oldfyrf, oldfxrf);	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, 3);	install_error_handler(err_hdl_sav);	RESTORE_DISPLAY_PREFS;		/* Display new aperture data */	aperture_data(all);		if (chkerr == APSET_LOWER_APER_ERROR || chkerr == APSET_BOTH_APER_ERROR)		lowerr = 1;	if (chkerr == APSET_UPPER_APER_ERROR || chkerr == APSET_BOTH_APER_ERROR)		uperr = 1;				if (uperr && lowerr)		message("Unable to achieve both lower\nand upper aperture vignetting.");	else if (uperr)		message("Unable to achieve upper aperture vignetting.");	else if (lowerr)		message("Unable to achieve lower aperture vignetting.");	}//追迹轴上的,入瞳孔径坐标为(1,0)的光线,得到光线在每个面上的y坐标值,将它们的绝对值保存到aps[]中//这得到的是每个面的最小孔径值static inton_axis_apertures(double aps[])// com:  Get aperture radii for on-axis beam. // com:  These are the minimum values for the aperture radii. // com:  Modifies apertures[] = current axial ray height. // com:  Returns 1 if successful, 0 if error occured. {	int  sbn, maxrow, rn, sn;		sbn = sbrow();	ssbuf_reset(sbn, 3);	trace_ref_ray(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, 3);		if (ray_error_occurred)		return (0);		ssbuf_reset(sbn, 2*(ims + 1));#ifndef _OSLO_LIGHT_	trace_ray(standard, local, all, usr, 1.0, 0.0, yes);#endif#ifdef _OSLO_LIGHT_	trace_ray(standard, local, all, 1.0, 0.0, yes);#endif	maxrow = sbcount();	rn = 1;	while (rn <= maxrow)	{		sn = rint(ssb(rn, 7));		if (sn < ims)			aps[sn] = fabs(ssb(rn, 1));			rn++;	}	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, 2*(ims + 1));	return (0);}static intfull_field_apertures(int rimtype, double aps[], double y_pup, double raycoord[], int dydfy[])// com:  Get aperture radii for full-field beam. // com:  Modifies aps[]       = max of (current full-field ray heights of y_pup ray, surface aperture value). // com:  Modifies raycoord[]  = full-field ray heights of y_pup ray. // com:  Modifies dydfy[]     = 1 if ref ray is 'inside' the y_pup ray limit, -1 otherwise.norm=1才是这样的,但norm=0时,不是这样的啊 // com:  Returns 0 if apertures[] had to be modified, 1 otherwise. {	int    sbn, maxrow, rn, sn, dovig, norm;	double tmp, fyref, fxref;	double yref[ims];			sbn = sbrow();	ssbuf_reset(sbn, 3);	trace_ref_ray(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	fyref = ssb(2, 3);	fxref = ssb(2, 4);	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, 3);	if (ray_error_occurred)		return (0);	ssbuf_reset(sbn, ims + 1);#ifndef _OSLO_LIGHT_	trace_ray(standard, local, all, usr, fyref, fxref, yes);#endif#ifdef _OSLO_LIGHT_	trace_ray(standard, local, all, fyref, fxref, yes);#endif	//追迹全视场的参考光线(主光线),将它在各个面上的y坐标的绝对值保存到yref[]中	maxrow = sbcount();	rn = 1;	while (rn <= maxrow)	{		sn = rint(ssb(rn, 7));		tmp = fabs(ssb(rn, 1));		if (sn < ims)			yref[sn] = tmp;		rn++;	}	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, ims + 1);	//当是渐晕上边缘光线时,若此渐晕系数大于0,则norm=1,否则为0	//当是渐晕下边缘光线时,若此渐晕系数小于0,则norm=1,否则为0	//故若norm=0的话,主光线一定不穿过渐晕光瞳,只有2次调用full_field_apertures,norm都为1时,主光线才会穿过渐晕光瞳	if (rimtype == APSET_LOWER_RIM_RAY)	{		if (fyref - y_pup >= 0.0)			norm = 1;		else			norm = 0;		}	else	{		if (y_pup - fyref >= 0.0)			norm = 1;		else			norm = 0;	}						ssbuf_reset(sbn, 2*(ims + 1));#ifndef _OSLO_LIGHT_	trace_ray(standard, local, all, usr, y_pup, 0.0, yes);#endif#ifdef _OSLO_LIGHT_	trace_ray(standard, local, all, y_pup, 0.0, yes);#endif	//追迹渐晕光瞳的边缘光线,将其与各个面的交点的y坐标绝对值保存到raycoord[]中	maxrow = sbcount();	dovig = 1;	rn = 1;	while (rn <= maxrow)	{		sn = rint(ssb(rn, 7));		tmp = fabs(ssb(rn, 1));		if (sn < ims)		{				raycoord[sn] = tmp;			if (norm)			{				if (tmp - yref[sn] < 0.0)					dydfy[sn] = -1;//渐晕边缘光线比主光线更靠近光轴时				else					dydfy[sn] = +1;//渐晕边缘光线比主光线更远离光轴时				}			else			{				if (tmp - yref[sn] > 0.0)					dydfy[sn] = -1;//渐晕边缘光线比主光线更远离光轴时				else					dydfy[sn] = +1;//渐晕边缘光线比主光线更靠近光轴时			}			//如果在任一非孔径面上,渐晕边缘光线光高比轴上光线(1,0)的光高大,则将aps[sn]置换成渐晕边缘光线的光高			//同时将dovig=0,否则dovig为1			if (sn != ast)			{				if (tmp > aps[sn])				{					aps[sn] = tmp;					dovig = 0;				}				}			}		rn++;	}	ssbuf_reset(-sbn, 2*(ims + 1));	return (dovig);}			static cmdelement_apertures(double aps[])// com:  Set front and back apertures of elements to larger value. // com:  Finds the max aperture on each glass element. // com:  Modifies aps[]. {	int    sn, snp, snm;	double ap1, ap2;			for (sn = 1; sn < ims - 1; sn++)	{		snp = sn + 1;		snm = sn - 1;				if (gltyp[sn] != 1 && gltyp[sn] != 10 && fabs(rn[sn][1] - 1.0) > 1.0e-20)		{			ap1 = aps[sn];			ap2 = aps[snp];			if (ap1 > ap2)			{				if ((gltyp[snp] == 1 || gltyp[snp] == 10 || fabs(rn[snp][0] - 1.0) > 1.0e-20) && cv[snp] > 0.0)					continue;				if (fabs(ap1*cv[snp]) < APSET_MAX_AP_CV)					aps[snp] = ap1;			}					else			{				if ((gltyp[snm] == 1 || gltyp[snm] == 10 || fabs(rn[snm][0] - 1.0) > 1.0e-20) && cv[sn] < 0.0)					continue;				if (fabs(ap2*cv[sn]) < APSET_MAX_AP_CV)					aps[sn] = ap2;			}				}	}}						static intfind_check_srfs(double aps[], int ok_to_set[], double l_rim[], double u_rim[], int low_drv[], int up_drv[])// com:  Finds surfaces that limit beam to set as checked apertures. // com:  Returns error number (LOWER_APER_ERROR, UPPER_APER_ERROR, BOTH_APER_ERROR) {	int    lowchksrf, upchksrf, sn, error;	double lowmin, upmin, tmp;		error = APSET_NO_CHECK_ERROR;	//如果光阑没被排除在设置之外,就一定将其设为孔径检查	if (ok_to_set[ast])		ok_to_set[ast] = APSET_SET_CHECKED_APERTURE;		lowchksrf = upchksrf = 0;	lowmin = upmin = 0.0;	//下面开始对渐晕光瞳上下边缘光线,搜寻哪个面该被设为checked,对于这2条光线,搜寻过程是独立的	//注意,最终的结果,对一条边缘光线,它只决定一个孔径检查面	for (sn = 1; sn < ims; sn++)	{		//aps[]存的是由轴上(1,0)光线和渐晕光瞳上下边缘光线决定的面半径,它存的是这三者与每个面的光高的绝对值最大值		//但孔径面的半径仅由轴上(1,0)光线的光高决定		if (aps[sn] > 0.0 && ok_to_set[sn])		{			//搜寻渐晕光瞳下边缘光线,该光线与每个面的交点光高的绝对值放在l_rim[]中			//它在这样的面中选择,它满足如下2条件			//1、若下边缘光线的入瞳比例坐标>0(此时主光线明显不应该可以穿过系统),这个面能将主光线(0,0)给挡掉			//2、若下边缘光线的入瞳比例坐标<0(此时主光线能否穿过系统,应该由上边缘光线入瞳比例坐标决定,故这里不应该被挡掉),这个面则不能将主光线(0,0)给挡掉			//在满足以上2条件的面中,选择l_rim[]/aps[](<1)最大者为孔径检查面			//故在满足轴上光线无渐晕的条件下,最终的结果是渐晕系数可能达不到预设的lav(绝对值比|lav|大),只有边缘光线的光高不比轴上边缘光线的光高小,才可与预设结果一样			tmp = l_rim[sn]/aps[sn];			if (tmp > lowmin && low_drv[sn] > 0)			{				lowmin = tmp;				lowchksrf = sn;			}			//搜寻渐晕光瞳上边缘光线,该光线与每个面的交点光高的绝对值放在u_rim[]中			//它在这样的面中选择,它满足如下2条件			//1、若上边缘光线的入瞳比例坐标<0(此时主光线明显不应该可以穿过系统),这个面能将主光线(0,0)给挡掉			//2、若下边缘光线的入瞳比例坐标>0(此时主光线能否穿过系统,应该由下边缘光线入瞳比例坐标决定,故这里不应该被挡掉),这个面则不能将主光线(0,0)给挡掉			//在满足以上2条件的面中,选择u_rim[]/aps[](<1)最大者为孔径检查面			//故在满足轴上光线无渐晕的条件下,最终的结果是渐晕系数可能达不到预设的uav(绝对值比|uav|大)			tmp = u_rim[sn]/aps[sn];			if (tmp > upmin && up_drv[sn] > 0)			{				upmin = tmp;				upchksrf = sn;			}		}				}	//下面将搜寻的结果保存到ok_to_set[]中	if (lowchksrf > 0 && ok_to_set[lowchksrf])	{		ok_to_set[lowchksrf] = APSET_SET_CHECKED_APERTURE;			if (fabs(lowmin - 1.0) > APSET_VIGNETTING_EPSILON)			error = APSET_LOWER_APER_ERROR;	}		else		error = APSET_LOWER_APER_ERROR;		if (upchksrf > 0 && ok_to_set[upchksrf])	{		ok_to_set[upchksrf] = APSET_SET_CHECKED_APERTURE;			if (fabs(upmin - 1.0) > APSET_VIGNETTING_EPSILON)		{			if (error)				error = APSET_BOTH_APER_ERROR;			else				error = APSET_UPPER_APER_ERROR;		}	}	else	{		if (error)			error = APSET_BOTH_APER_ERROR;		else			error = APSET_UPPER_APER_ERROR;	}	return (error);				}			voidapset_eh(void){	errno = 0;	ray_error_occurred = 1;}






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